Sunday, February 26, 2012

important eclipse shortcut

I have made a list of the most productive and important shortcuts an Android developer could benefit from. Those keywords are the default bindings in Eclipse for Java developer. There are definitely people who would disagree at some point, and I understand, because the list is composed by me and is subjective, depending on developer and hes/her code style.
Shortcuts which I, as an Android developer, find the most effective are:
  • CTRL + 7 = Toggle comment (You can easily comment and uncomment blocks of codes (or singel row) with this shortcut)
  • CTRL + F11 = Run (With this shortcut you can easily run your application without needing to click on the green run icon on menu bar)
  • F11 = Debug (Starts the debugging without the need for a click on the bug icon)
  • CTRL + SHIF + M = Add import (Moving your cursor on the selected item and hiting CTRL + SHIFT + M Eclipse imports the needed libary for you, so you don't have to it manually by typing import libaryName)
  • CTRL+SHIFT+NUMBAD_DEVIDE = Collapse all (Collapses all methods and code blocks which are collapsable. Collapsing has to be enabled in settings. Allows you easily to maintain many rows of code)
  • ALT+SHIFT+R = Refactor (Renames method/variable and all references)
  • ALT+SHIFT+M = Exctract method (Generates method out of the selected/active code block) <-- MY FAVORITE!
  • CTRL+E = Switch tab inside editor window
  • CTRL+F6 = Switch tab inside Eclipse
  • ALT + SHIFT + A, S = Extract Android string to strings.xml file
+ well known shortcuts for any developer like (CTRL +S, CTRL+F, CTRL + C etc.)

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